Walk Resources

Walk for Apraxia Flyer

Fundraising Tips and Tools Sheet


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Walk Day FAQs

What should I expect on Walk Day?

Be sure to check the Walk home page of the location you are participating in for specific event information!

The Walk for Apraxia starts with a window of time for all participants to register, check in, and pick up their t-shirts. Once participants are checked in, each Walk officially begins with an opening ceremony to celebrate all of the Apraxia Stars in attendance. During the ceremony, each child with apraxia will be called up individually to receive a medal recognizing all of their hard work and accomplishments! After the ceremony is finished, the walking portion of the day will begin. Typically, the Walk is no more than a mile in length and stroller/kid friendly. Many Walks begin in the morning and last until around lunch time

How do I find specific information about my Walk?

Your local Walk website will be updated with details about the day of the Walk and will serve as your main information hub for the Walk! Find your local Walk site from the map here. We also encourage you to find your official Walk for Apraxia event on Facebook, mark yourself as attending, and connect with other participants via social media! Additionally, in the week leading up to the Walk, you will receive an email with any last minute details and information.

What happens if it rains?

The Walk for Apraxia is a rain or shine unless a natural weather emergency occurs.

In the event a Walk has to be cancelled or rescheduled to a natural weather emergency, participants will be emailed a notification.

Can I bring my dog?

Every Walk venue has different rules and regulations regarding dogs. If you have a question about bringing a dog to your specific Walk, please contact your local Walk Coordinator for more information (contact information available on your local Walk for Apraxia website).

Is the Walk for Apraxia a competitive event?

All of our Walks are non-competitive events that are family friendly.  Walk routes on average are about a mile in length and family/stroller friendly. All participants are encouraged to walk, but it’s not mandatory.

How are teams recognized for their fundraising efforts?

We’re proud to recognize our awesome fundraisers every step of the way!

Walk teams that reach $1000 will be recognized as being part of the Champions Club!

Champions Club teams will receive: 

  • A team feature on the Walk website, including a story about the child you are walking for
  • Special recognition at the Walk opening ceremony
  • Commemorative Champions Club pin
  • 10% off in the Apraxia Kids online store
  • Free access to our on-demand webinars for one year.

Walk teams that reach $5,000 will be recognized as being part of the Grand Champions Club!

Grand Champions Club teams will receive: 

  • All of the benefits of the Champions Club
  • A wearable item for all team members to sport on Walk Day
  • A special Apraxia Kids gift for team leader
  • ___________

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