
Research has shown that therapy for children with CAS needs to be grounded in the principles of motor learning and requires specific considerations for target selection, strategies, and a hierarchy of learning.  These sessions will discuss specific strategies for families and professionals including home practice, facilitating communication in everyday activities, telepractice, and therapy strategies that therapists use with children with CAS.

Taking Advantage of All Those Teachable Moments:
Speech Therapy at Home for Young Children with CAS

Presented by: Elaine Dolgin-Lieberman, MA, CCC-SLP and Angela Muis, BA, SLP-A

Parents and caregivers are critical to enhancing success for children with childhood apraxia of speech. This webinar by an expert clinician will focus on strategies and activities as part of home practice to improve your child’s rate of progress, provide the opportunity to generalize their targets, and build self-esteem that results from feelings of success and improved speech clarity.

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Playing Around with CAS:
Techniques for Choosing Therapy Targets and Activities for Children with Emerging Speech

Presented by: Dr. Karen Chenausky, CCC-SLP and Dr. Shelley Velleman, ASHA Fellow, NAP Fellow

Two seasoned SLPs provide a brief update on developmental progressions in speech, language, play, and social communication skills. Then, they demonstrate the use of a brief checklist to help identify a child’s present levels of speech, language, play, and social skills. Finally, they present a series of principles that therapy targets and activities should adhere to.

Download Presentation Handouts Here

Download Quick Communication Checklist Here

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I Wish Someone Had Told Me That

Recorded on July 15, 2020

Presented by: Sarah Carmody, MS, CCC-SLP, Isabelle Démosthènes, M.P.O. reg. OOAQ, and Sandra Mamodhoussen

This thought inevitably crosses our minds as professionals and families on the therapy journey with CAS. This presentation will focus on lessons learned by two Apraxia Boot Camp graduates and a mom, as we tackle motor speech treatment dilemmas and support the multifaceted needs of children with CAS. As we share some of the tricky questions we’ve encountered like “What should I prioritize?” “How and when should I change my approach?” “Does my child need a break from therapy?” “What can I expect from my child?”, different points of views will be presented by the panelists (parent and therapist, PROMPT and DTTC therapy, Canadian and American system, French/Spanish/English background), and you will be encouraged to add to the discussion through the chat. We hope you depart with practical tools and new insights to help you make informed choices when helping your Apraxia Stars!

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Teletherapy and CAS

Recorded on July, 23 2020

Presented by: Jennie Bjorem, MA, CCC-SLP

SLPs and families alike have been challenged this year with treating children with CAS via teletherapy. What does teletherapy look like, what are the SLPs and parent roles and is it worth our time? How can we make this work with our kids with CAS? We will discuss ways to make teletherapy worthwhile when our options are limited.

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Beyond Touch: Integrating Teletherapy and PROMPT

Recorded on Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Presented by: Marcus Neal, MS, CCC-SLP, PCI

The PROMPT technique is primarily known for using touch to help the articulators move for speech production, but it goes way beyond touch! PROMPT-trained SLPs assess and treat individuals holistically by approaching communication as an interaction of the physical-sensory, cognitive-linguistic and social-emotional domains. This presentation will examine how parents and SLPs can integrate PROMPT through teletherapy. Parents and SLPs will investigate the PROMPT assessment/treatment planning program and will be introduced to PROMPT SLP teletherapy tools and parent activities that reinforce therapy throughout the child’s day.

Download Presentation Handouts Here.

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You Be You:
Designing Therapy When There is More Than “Just” CAS

Recorded on July 30, 2020

Presented by: Dr. Ruth Stoeckel, CCC-SLP

Many children with CAS have other conditions, ranging from general motor impairment, to genetic conditions like Down Syndrome or 22q11, to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and learning disorders. The most efficient approach to therapy for children with “CAS+” will involve identifying priorities based on understanding of the whole child, not just their speech disorder. This session by an experienced clinician will discuss how priorities for intervention may be considered, and how motor-based treatment for speech may be integrated into treatment for specific co-occurring conditions. The content of this session will be influenced by survey information collected by Apraxia Kids prior to the presentation.

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