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There are many issues around childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) and these sessions will present helpful information on two topics: bilingualism and advocacy. Join a live discussion on treatment for bilingualism and CAS with an expert on the topic. You can also view an additional free webinar by the same presenter and read a related article. For information on advocacy, you can see a webinar, read articles, and then join a discussion with four parents on their journey of advocating for their apraxia star. 

Advocating for Your Child

Presented by: Sarah Bald, PsyD

This session, by a clinical psychologist who advocates with parents for school based services, explains the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process including terms, acronyms, and parents’ rights. She includes tips for parents for navigating this often daunting process. 

Download Presentation Handouts Here

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Talking Advocacy with Four Parents

Recorded on  July 8, 2020

Presented by: Lou LaVecchia, Gary Fernando, Jeff Mills, and Michelle Leigh

Hear about resolving issues and obtaining services from four parents who have been strong advocates for their apraxia stars who are all in different places and with different issues in their journeys thus far!

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Myth Busters: Bilingualism and CAS

Recorded on July 22, 2020

Presented by: Dr. Christina Gildersleeve-Neumann

Learn from an expert in bilingualism and CAS about the basics of bilingualism and CAS – myths to debunk and overarching principles/strategies to guide treatment and success of bilingual children with CAS.

Download presentation handouts here.

Additional Resources

We recommend that you view this FREE Apraxia Kids Webinar before participating in the Zoom Live session for this topic:
Working with Bilingual Children Who Have Childhood Apraxia of Speech

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Apraxia Kids is dedicated to providing the most relevant, well-researched, up-to-date information on childhood apraxia of speech. Your financial support means we can continue to share this information with all who need it.

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