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Multiple Choice: Select the one best answer

1. The Principles of Motor Learning include the following three components:

2. What is the focus of the Dynamic Temporal, Tactile Cueing program?

3. Which is considered to be the “gold standard” for diagnosing CAS?

4. What specific evidenced-based treatment approach for intervention of speech sound disorders is based on integral stimulation and uses a cuing hierarchy?

5. Which of the following characteristics are often associated with CAS?

6. DTTC intervention approach is based upon integral stimulation and Rosenbek’s continuum which involves:

7. As you prepare for the IEP or ARD meeting for a student with the diagnosis of a speech sound disorder you need to consider:

8. With children with CAS, practicing target words while varying the pitch, loudness and rate is __________

9. Which Principle of Motor Learning should be used to treat a young child with childhood apraxia of speech who is learning new sound combinations?

10. Having a child identify the first sound in their target words is an example of incorporating _______________ into practice?

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