2024 Apraxia Kids National Conference Registration

This 2024 Apraxia Kids conference registration form gives you the option of registering for the in-person conference (which includes the virtual recordings) OR to register for the virtual option only. In order to complete registration, you must fill in all information including choosing one session to attend for each time slot (for in-person attendance) and provide payment.

Please see the program book for session descriptions.

Please see the speaker guide for speaker bios.

All professionals should register as a professional regardless of the need for ASHA CEUs.

2024 National Conference Registration

Contact Information

Billing Address *
Billing Address

Registration Type

How will you be attending the conference? *
Click here to purchase multiple registrations for the in-person or virtual conference. Discounted rates for groups of 3 or more professionals that are within the same agency, practice, or school district are available.
Please choose your registration type: *
Please choose your in-person registration type: *
Would you like Apraxia Kids to process your ASHA CEUs? *
Have you read the Program Book and selected the sessions you would like to attend? *
Please click here to review the program book and make your choices for sessions before proceeding with conference registration.

Session Choices

Series 100 Sessions: Friday July 12, 9:30am - 11:30am *
Series 200 Sessions: Friday, July 12, 1:00pm-2:30pm *
Series 300 Sessions: Friday, July 12, 3:00pm-4:30pm *
Series 400 Sessions: Saturday, July 13, 8:30am-10:00am *
Series 500 Sessions: Saturday, July 13, 10:30am-11:30am *
Series 600 Sessions: Saturday, July 13, 1:00pm-2:30pm *
Are you attending the Keynote Session, Thursday July 11, 5:15pm? *
Are you attending the Opening Reception, Thursday July 11, 6:00pm? *
Are you attending the Welcome/Research update session, Friday July 12, 8:30am? *
Are you attending an optional Lunch and Learn session on Friday, July 12, 11:30am-12:45pm? *
Are you attending the Closing Session, Saturday, July 13, 3:00pm? *
Breakfast and Lunch are included during Friday and Saturday of the conference. Please select the meals you plan to attend at the conference: *
In order to help us better coordinate meal choices during the conference, please select any of these dietary needs that apply to you:

Please Tell Us About Yourself

Is this your first interaction with Apraxia Kids? *
How would you best describe your community? *
How would you describe yourself? *
Would you like your pronouns on your nametag?
How did you hear about the Conference *
Where do you practice? (Select all that apply) *
Please indicate level of study: *
Please verify: *
For research purposes, what is the sex of your child? *
How long ago was your child diagnosed with apraxia? *
I would like to make an additional donation to Apraxia Kids
Media Waiver: *
I would like to receive future communications from Apraxia Kids. *


Registration Fee Subtotal

Credit Card
Please note: To complete payment for in-person conference registration, you must answer "YES, you have read the program book and selected the sessions you would like to attend", and then choose all sessions, to continue with payment.