
Here you will find a list of local resources and information compiled by our community. Please note that the information on this list is not necessarily endorsed by Apraxia Kids.


The Walk for Apraxia is the signature fundraising event for Apraxia Kids. It brings together those touched by apraxia, uniting families and professionals in a community of support. At the heart of the Walk for Apraxia is the celebration of our Apraxia Stars. Each child with apraxia receives a medal in recognition of the hard work that goes into finding their voices. Join us at your local event and discover a network of support!

Apraxia Kids could not host Walk for Apraxia events without our dedicated and passionate volunteers. They organize walks so that our stars can have a special day that is all about them!

If you are interested in being involved, please click here.

Walk for Apraxia Events in Montana:


Community Resources

Find out if there is a University Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic near you that serves individuals who have trouble communicating.

University of Montana
Dewit Ritecare Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
Curry Health Center 634 Eddy Ave
Missoula, MT 59812

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