Walk Standards


  • All walks should occur between August 1st and November 22nd
  • Walk for Apraxia utilizes a peer to peer fundraising model in which participants are encouraged to create teams and fundraise at the individual level to achieve the overall walk goal.
  • Registration fees are collected and contribute to the fundraising goal.
  • Apraxia Stars (children with apraxia) are registered at no cost.
  • All walks are noncompetitive, family-friendly and approximately 1 mile long.
  • All walks will remain open for fundraising until December 31st
  • It is suggested that 80-90% of the revenue be participants dollars and 10-20% sponsorship dollars.
  • All walks will promote the Champions Club program including recognizing teams with pins on walk day.

Branding Guidelines

  • All materials must adhere to the branding guidelines set forth by Apraxia Kids and usage of the Walk for Apraxia
    brand will be determined by those guidelines.
  • Volunteers are not permitted to create a handle/profile on social media with the express purpose of promoting the Walk.


  • All walks must adhere to sponsorship standards set forth by Apraxia Kids.
  • Sponsorship levels are to be upheld without exception unless given express consent by Apraxia Kids.
  • Apraxia Kids cannot accept sponsorships from companies that market supplements directed at children
    with apraxia of speech or other companies in disagreement with the mission of Apraxia Kids.
  • Apraxia Kids will not add sponsor logos to materials until all paperwork is received. Deadlines for sponsorship
    are not flexible and must be maintained to ensure the contract is upheld and materials arrive on time.
  • Only businesses that provide in-kind donations of goods and/or services that benefit ALL walk participants
    can be considered sponsors.

Planning Team Structure

  • Walks should operate with a volunteer-led and staff-supported committee structure.
  • A minimum of three non-related committee members (including the coordinator) are required to begin a walk.
  • Planning team members must be at least 18 years old.
  • The walk coordinator will serve as the direct contact with Apraxia Kids and provide supplemental materials and
    resources directly to planning team members.

Day of Experience

  • Every walk will have an Apraxia Kids resource table and display print materials provided by Apraxia Kids.
  • Every walk will have a brief (30 minute) ceremony using the national script template.
  • Every walk will recognize the Apraxia Stars with a medal ceremony.
  • Every walk will utilize a sound system appropriate for the location.
  • Every walk will include a closing that thanks participants for attending, reminds them about ongoing fundraising, and highlights resources available to them.
  • Every walk will have a plan for handling cash onsite and utilize onsite paperwork and procedures for collection of registration fees and donations on walk day.

Apraxia Kids could not host Walk for Apraxia events without our dedicated and passionate volunteers. They organize walks so that our stars can have a special day that is all about them!

If you are interested in being involved, please click here.

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