Requirements for Applying to the 2025 Apraxia Kids Intensive Training
Is an SLP with a minimum of 5 years of clinical experience post graduate school and has experience providing direct speech intervention with children with CAS.
Is a clinician who has treated at least 5-10 children with apraxia of speech in the past and feels reasonably successful with this client population.
Is listed in the Apraxia Kids SLP Directory (or is in the process of being listed and will be completed by application deadline.)
Is a clinician who has access to a child with apraxia of speech to complete their required case study as part of the intensive training.
Is a clinician who has a good understanding of phonetic transcription.
Has attended within the last five years, continuing education on CAS from a variety of instructors and on a variety of topics, and is able to discuss how such training has informed their clinical practice for assessment and treatment.
Has the capacity in their current employment setting to accept new clients for both assessment and treatment and is committed to serving as a local resource for other professionals and families.
Is committed to maintaining an ongoing relationship with Apraxia Kids to support education of other professionals and families through volunteering within their local community and beyond.
Will continue to engage in learning opportunities and report those back to Apraxia Kids to maintain status of having Advanced Training and Expertise in CAS.
**Please note** Clinicians with limited experience (i.e. new practitioners or those who have seen less than 5 children with CAS) or those with quite extensive, existing expertise and reputation for their work with this population are not the target audience for this training.