Apraxia Kids National Conference Research Poster Application


National Conference Research Poster Application
Please fill in all information and click on the submit button at the bottom.
Address *
Will this be your first time presenting at the Apraxia Kids National Conference? *

All accepted posters will be submitted as a PDF for posting on the virtual conference platform.  In addition, you will be asked to submit a brief video recording (5-10 minutes) asking you to explain your research project and results.  We will also have virtual “poster times” during the conference at which you and/or your coauthors will be asked to be present to have discussions about your research project.

Will you be available during July 9-12 to present live about your research project?*
Please indicate which times would work best for you (Eastern time zone) click all that apply:
Please disclose if and how you used AI in any form including: composing, writing or editing your submission of this proposal. This helps ensure transparency and clarity in your work.

Presentation Guidelines can be found on the National Conference Speaker Information page.

Register Today!