18 Mar Apraxia Kids COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Apraxia Kids has been closely monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 throughout the United States and Canada. We are responding to the rapidly changing events relative to the virus to develop appropriate contingency plans for business continuity and in consideration of the safety of our staff, volunteers, and constituents. Most importantly, please know that we understand that the uncertainty and unprecedented nature of these times can be tough on all of us, and we are here to support you, your families, and the apraxia community in any way that we can.
To ensure safety, we have developed a plan for our organization which follows guidelines set forth by the CDC, the WHO, and the Allegheny County Health Department. As of March 17, 2020, all staff have been instructed to work remotely. This will continue through March 31, 2020 and will be reassessed to determine whether this plan will be extended. All of our normal communication channels, including office phones and email will continue to work during this disruption.
We have also made the decision to postpone all events through May 31, 2020 to a new date in 2020. While we do not yet have confirmed dates, we will announce this information as soon as it is available. It is our wish to host impactful events that bring our apraxia community together, and we look forward to a time when we can do so again safely.
Despite these changes, we remain committed to our mission to ensure each and every family and professional feel supported on their journey. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and will make any necessary adjustments as needed, especially around our summer fundraisers and National Conference. We appreciate the patience and understanding of our community as we navigate these uncertain circumstances.
Angela Grimm
Executive Director
Resource List
You may be asking yourself, “Will my child be able to make up lost time from their school speech therapy?” It’s a scary and confusing time for everyone but you may also have the added worry of speech and special education progress. Here are some important memos that may answer some of your questions.
“Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak”
“COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for State Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Agencies”
Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has broadened access to Medicare telehealth services so that beneficiaries can receive a wider range of services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility. These policy changes build on the regulatory flexibilities granted under the President’s emergency declaration.
IDEA: Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak (March 2020)
This Questions and Answers document outlines states’ responsibilities to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities and their families, and to the staff serving these children.
Wrightslaw: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Q&A
Information from the U.S. Department of Education that will answer some of your questions and help get your child’s special education back on track when schools do re-open.
Webinar on Ensuring Web Accessibility for Students with Disabilities
The Office for Civil Rights (U.S. Department of Education) released today a webinar on ensuring web accessibility for students with disabilities for schools utilizing online learning during COVID-19
Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP
A guide on what to do when speech therapy is temporarily unavailable, from an SLP’s perspective
Teletherapy Guidelines
Both SLPs and parents of children with apraxia should be aware of guidelines set around teletherapy and its implications at this time. Please follow the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) for more information. Here are a few resources from their website.
ASHA Revisits Guidance on Medicare Telepractice
We are adding new blogs and content as often as possible to keep you as informed as possible. Here is a list of the new blog posts that have recently been published:
Coping with COVID-19: Tips for Incorporating Self-Care and Dealing with Anxiety
Keep Calm and Chatter On
Speech Therapy Services Through Telepractice
Information for AAC and Home Practice
Adjusting to the Ever-changing Times: Using Telepractice to Treat CAS During COVID-19
Apps Guide
Apraxia Kids has partnered with Penn State Health to share and distribute the Speech and Language Apps guide published by The Department of Behavior and Developmental Pediatrics at The Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. Apraxia Kids does not endorse any specific apps nor is this list all-inclusive. The directory is meant only to be a guide/resource. https://www.apraxia-kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Application-Directory2.pdf
Article Library
Free Article from the Apraxia Kids Article Library: How to help your child with speech practice at home
Eight presentations can be accessed for free by visiting our website and signing up for a “Free Introductory Membership”.
Stay Connected with Apraxia Kids: Facebook Groups
Our main Facebook support group, Apraxia Kids: Official Support Group, has been very active with thoughtful and supportive conversations around what to do next while we’re all figuring out this time of confusion and challenges. It’s important to stay connected to others while following the CDC and other community guidelines around social distancing. Stay connected with others through our Facebook groups! Connecting with other parents in similar situations may help you navigate the world of resources available to parents while your apraxia stars are home from school. Hopefully they help you productively and successfully navigate this time away from therapies and school!
Stay connected with others through our Facebook groups!
Talking to Your Children About Coronavirus – Meet The Helpers
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization
U.S Department of Education
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Nanogirl Live – Coronavirus for Kids
The Nanogirl Live show provides free videos and experiments to help children better understand the coronavirus and how they can stay safe.
Apraxia Kids Blog – “Coping with COVID-19”
This blog shares with you tips on how you can focus on your mental health during these unusual and stressful times. It also reminds you that it’s okay if each day doesn’t go perfectly. Be kind to yourself and do the best with what you have.
Voices of Youth
This website is designed just for young adults aged 13-24. It’s a great place for teens and young adults to gather together, virtually, to see they are not alone in what they are feeling. Voices of Youth also has an art campaign around COVID-19 right now to allow youth to put their feelings into different artistic expressions to share with the world.
Parenting During Coronavirus: You Are Enough
This encouraging article from PBS.org reminds parents that everything is different right now so you should allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling and know that all that you are doing right now…it’s enough!
Supporting Children and Young People with Worries about COVID-19
This resource shares some advice and guidance for parents, caregivers, and professionals who work with children and young people who may be struggling to cope with the current climate.
Mental Health and COVID-19
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a great support and resource. Visit their COVID-19 specific information to learn how it may impact your mental health and what you can do to limit that.
Children’s Guide to Coronavirus by Children’s Commissioner
This guide talks about what the coronavirus is but it also helps children better understand it and how they’re feeling about these confusing times. They help kids figure out “where to put their worry.”
Emerging Minds
The Emerging Minds research group compiled a lengthy list of resources for parents, children, and teens to better understand and manage their mental health surrounding the coronavirus.
Apraxia Kids Blogs
These blogs were written by SLPs to help parents and professionals to better understand the evolving world of telepractice and teletherapy during this time of social distancing.
Keep Calm and Chatter On
Speech Therapy Services Through Telepractice
Information for AAC and Home Practice
Adjusting to the Everchanging Times: Using Telepractice to Treat CAS During COVID-19
COVID-19 Resources: Clinic Activities to Implement at Home
This tremendous resource compiled by University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a variety of resources for individuals with special needs and communication disorders while they’re safe at home. This list can help families, SLPs, and other professionals.
Phonics Hero
Offers a free 30 day account for children right now. This site has lots of programs to help your stars build sounds, single words, and sentences.
Story Place
Offers a digital pre-school library
Fun Brain
Learning games by grade level
LearnEnglish Kids
Free online games, songs, stories, and more to help children learn. Currently has helpful information about COVID-19 and also has a section for parents.
Mommy Speech Therapy
Free speech therapy worksheet downloads
Online Literacy Resources
Online read-alouds, story times, sing-alongs, and illustrating tutorials to do from home
Fluency and Fitness
Free registration for 21 days during school closures
My Coronavirus Story
A social story for children
Speech and Language Kids by The SLP Solution
Ideas, resources, games, and free downloads from a certified SLP
DIY Speech Therapy Activities by Kid’s Creek
Kid’s Creek offers speech, occupational, and physical therapy for children based out of Georgia but also has a helpful blog resource.
Playing with Words 365 Blog
An informative blog for parents by a parent (and an SLP!). Offers free downloads and tips for continuing speech therapy at home.
Making Articulation Fun by Virtual Speech Center
Virtual Speech Center hosts a lot of informative resources, free downloads, and a helpful blog including this post about ways to improve articulation through fun games at home.
Distance Learning for Special Education
This page was built by educators and families from around the world as a collaborative resource for students with disabilities. Included are online resources, tips for families, tips for professionals, and more.
The Hanen Centre
This organization offers a plethora of information and resources for both parents and professionals to help them so they can help their children reach their fullest literacy potential.
Loads of fun and interactive games grouped by grade level.
PBS Learning Media
WQED and PBS have teamed up to curate a FREE batch of resources for standards-aligned videos, interactives, and lesson plans for families and teachers.
A website organized by grade level complete with games, reading, videos, math, and more!
The popular magazine’s online partnership, full of games and activities.
ABC Mouse
An Early Learning Academy online for children ages 2-8.
Every day, Wonderopolis poses an intriguing question, the “Wonder of the Day”, and explore it in a variety of ways. Learn something new every day with Wonderopolis!
BrainPOP is offering free access during school closures right now. There’s an extensive library of learning opportunities in the areas of science, english, math, art, and more! They even have BrainPOP Jr. for grades K-3.
A kid-safe, ad-free streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks. Also offering downloadable resources and lesson plans. 30 day free trial available now with a nominal fee of $4.99/month afterwards.
Dreamscape by Squiggle Park
An engaging reading game for grades 2-8 for free.
Wacky Web Tales
Do you remember Mad Libs? Well this is Mad Libs for kids! It teaches you the parts of speech so you can build your own wacky web tale!
Switch Zoo Animal Games
Have you ever seen a zebra with the head of a giraffe? Me either! At the Switch Zoo you can make any wacky animal you want while learning about animals, playing games, solving puzzles, and more.
Extended School Closings: Everything an IEP Parent Needs to Know about FAPE
By A Day in your Shoes
How to Deal With IEP and Skills Regression for Parents
By A Day in your Shoes
Free Webinar – Questions Answered for Families During Time of Uncertainty
Presented by the PEAL Center (in Pennsylvania)
Audible is offering free stories for kids after coronavirus closes schools
Resources for Parents & Teachers
From Allegheny Intermediate Unit (in Pennsylvania)
Resources for Schools and Families During COVID-19
An extensive list of even more educational sites, resources, and more.
Kids Activities Blog
A listing of free subscriptions being offered due to school closures
National Geographic Kids
Fun and exciting ways to learn new things
Scholastic’s Learn at Home Website
Scholastic has created a free resource that provides your children with 20 days of articles and stories, videos, and fun learning challenges. Children can complete in any time, and in any order.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Their curriculums include math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
PBS Kids
Offers fun and interactive games and videos
Crash Course by PBS
Offers short videos on a variety of topics to get an overview of
Amazing Educational Resources
See a full list of educational resources offering free subscriptions due to school closures, provided by Amazing Educational Resources.
Educational Website & Apps for Kids 3-14
Age appropriate and educational websites
Ranger Rick
Opening up the full website for free through the end of June
25 Virtual Field Trips
Listings of virtual tours and live cameras to take a trip while learning
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!
Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence at Home, Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. New episodes will be posted each weekday at 1:00 p.m. ET and then remain online to be streamed afterwards. Check back each weekday for new LUNCH DOODLES!
Strategies for eLearning Days in the Wake of COVID-19:
With many schools and learning centers closing for a period of time due to coronavirus (COVID-19), educators are utilizing technology to offer learning opportunities to students at home. Join the State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA) on March 17 for their webinar to learn more about implementing “eLearning Days.”
Tobii Dynavox
Free learning hub available during this time
NASA Kids Club
Get the latest updates from NASA
Online Resources
Listing of top YouTube channels, streaming shows, and podcasts for children to continue learning at home
Epic! is the Leading Digital Library for Kids 12 & Under:
Instantly access 35,000 of the best books, learning videos, quizzes & more
Storyline Online
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Storyline Online Program is a free literacy resource where actors read to children. Each video includes an activity guide aligned with Common Core for at home lessons and learning.
Simple: The New York Public Library E-Reader App
SimplyE is The New York Public Library’s free e-reader app that makes it easier than ever to borrow e-books. It is available on the App Store or Google Play.
Help Kidz Learn
Apps and resources for teachers and students to help them to continue their learning at home with minimum disruption.
Spanish children’s stories
Well-known children’s stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Great for kids… and adults too! Read along in Spanish or English.
Apraxia Kids Blogs
These blogs were written by SLPs to help parents and professionals to better understand the evolving world of telepractice and teletherapy during this time of social distancing.
Keep Calm and Chatter On
Speech Therapy Services Through Telepractice
Information for AAC and Home Practice
Adjusting to the Everchanging Times: Using Telepractice to Treat CAS During COVID-19
Facebook Group – Teletherapy Materials for Speech-Language Pathologists
This is a private Facebook group just for SLPs to share materials that are helping them manage their teletherapy practice.
ASHA on Facebook
ASHA is staying on top of the COVID-19 situation and offering regular updates about ways they can support you as well as information about teletherapy. Follow them for updates!
ASHA’s Resources for Telepractice During COVID-19
ASHA is monitoring the situation closely and updating information for SLPs and other professionals on how they can provide their services through telepractice. They have a list of state-by-state tracking of laws and regulations for telepractice and more.
The Hanen Centre
This organization offers a plethora of information and resources for both parents and professionals to help them so they can help their children reach their fullest literacy potential.
COVID-19 Resources: Clinic Activities to Implement at Home
This tremendous resource compiled by University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a variety of resources for individuals with special needs and communication disorders while they’re safe at home. This list can help families, SLPs, and other professionals.
The SLP Solution
How to help your clients during school closings
SLP Telecon Webinars
SLP Telecon is a 2 day LIVE event with 6 speakers from across the country. Due to recent circumstances SLPs may be required to provide services virtually for the first time ever! Over these 2 days, you will learn from some amazing SLPs who will be sharing their best tips and tricks for getting started and best practices in teletherapy!
The Informed SLP
Offering free information on teletherapy.
Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has broadened access to Medicare telehealth services so that beneficiaries can receive a wider range of services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility. These policy changes build on the regulatory flexibilities granted under the President’s emergency declaration.
Optimum (Altice)
Offering free internet for 60 days. Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, eligible households interested in this solution can call: 866-200-9522 to enroll in Optimum region.
Charter Spectrum
-Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and WiFi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395.
-Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
-Charter will partner with school districts to ensure local communities are aware of these tools to help students learn remotely.
-For eligible low-income households without school-aged children, Charter continues to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, which is a low-cost broadband program delivering speeds of 30 Mbps.
Comcast Xifinity
– Comcast is pausing data plans for 60 days giving all customers unlimited data for no additional charge.
– Xfinity WiFi hotspots will also be free.
– Comcast will not disconnect a customer’s Internet or access late fees if they contact the company and let them know that they can’t pay their bills during this period.
– New customers will get 60 days of complimentary Internet Essentials service, which is normally available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95 per month. Additionally, the speed of the program’s Internet service was increased to 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream. There is no additional fee and it becomes the new base speed going forward.
Offering 60 days of free public service
All AT&T consumer home internet wireline customers, as well as Fixed Wireless Internet, can use unlimited internet data. Additionally, AT&T will continue to offer internet access for qualifying limited income households at $10 a month through the Access from AT&T program.
Starting March 15, 2020 through April 14, 2020, Mint Mobile will be providing all current and new customers with FREE unlimited high-speed data add-ons.
Sometimes you just need a break from the news, your new at-home routine, and all of the new stressors you may be experiencing. Here are some listicles that share some ideas on fun things you can do at home and as a family to pass the time!
Go Noodle
This website can certainly be educational for children but it also allows them to learn while getting out bursts of energy! There are lots of videos and games that encourage movement so kids can stay active and engaged at home.
Fun and Function is offering free webinars and resources for families
Google Earth Has Virtual Tours of 31 National Parks in the U.S.
A list of free, online, boredom-busting resources!
5 Minute Move: Kids work outs to do at home
Educational Ways to Have Fun, written by a school principal
30 Fun Things to Do at Home by Lifehack
23 Fun Activities With Things You Have At Home by Seattle Times
Fun Things to Do at Home by Happier Human
20 Best Podcasts for Families by Parent Map
25 Best Podcasts for Kids
Incredible Things You Will Only See in Dubai
Learn about all of the unique and innovative things that Dubai has to offer and explore them from your own home.
Many people are working remotely or not able to work at all during this confusing time. It’s important to stay on top of your finances to the best of your ability if your work situation is uncertain. Here are some loose guidelines on making sure your needs and finances are being supported. Keep in mind, these aren’t the same for everyone – this is just a starting point to get you thinking about your own unique situations.
First and foremost, make sure that your basic needs are being met: food, water, medications, housing, and utilities.
Secondly, take some time to reach out to your service providers (credit card companies, banks, loan providers, landlords, utility providers, etc.) to see what kind of payment options they have during this time. Many of these companies are offering lowered rates, delayed or deferred payments, or other options. Keeping an open line of communication with these companies to make sure you aren’t penalized (if possible) during this time of hardship.
Lastly, if you or your loved ones are taking any medications or using any other lifesaving medical devices and supports, be sure to keep them fully stocked and operational so that you are not abruptly stopping them at any given time during the social distancing orders. If you are at risk of running low, make sure to stock up as soon as possible. If your insurance isn’t ready to cover your next refill yet, give them a call to explain your situation and see if they can expedite your next refill coverage. If you cannot afford your medications at the moment, please know that there are many medication funds available for you so you never go without.
Here are some financial resources that may help you cover the cost of medications, utilities, and more.
Getting help with medications
The Assistance Fund
Needy Meds
RX Assist
RX Hope
Help paying for bills
Aunt Bertha
Dial 2-1-1 from your phone to receive information about local resources
Help When You Need It
Local listings for food pantries, financial assistance, housing support, and more
Learn about government programs you may be eligible for to receive financial support
Apraxia Kids has been closely monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 throughout the United States and Canada. We are responding to the rapidly changing events relative to the virus to develop appropriate contingency plans for business continuity and in consideration of the safety of our staff, volunteers, and constituents. Most importantly, please know that we understand that the uncertainty and unprecedented nature of these times can be tough on all of us, and we are here to support you, your families, and the apraxia community in any way that we can.
To ensure safety, we have developed a plan for our organization which follows guidelines set forth by the CDC, the WHO, and the Allegheny County Health Department. As of March 17, 2020, all staff have been instructed to work remotely. This will continue through March 31, 2020 and will be reassessed to determine whether this plan will be extended. All of our normal communication channels, including office phones and email will continue to work during this disruption.
We have also made the decision to postpone all events through May 31, 2020 to a new date in 2020. While we do not yet have confirmed dates, we will announce this information as soon as it is available. It is our wish to host impactful events that bring our apraxia community together, and we look forward to a time when we can do so again safely.
Despite these changes, we remain committed to our mission to ensure each and every family and professional feel supported on their journey. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and will make any necessary adjustments as needed, especially around our summer fundraisers and National Conference. We appreciate the patience and understanding of our community as we navigate these uncertain circumstances.
Angela Grimm
Executive Director
Resource List
You may be asking yourself, “Will my child be able to make up lost time from their school speech therapy?” It’s a scary and confusing time for everyone but you may also have the added worry of speech and special education progress. Here are some important memos that may answer some of your questions.
“Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak”
“COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for State Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Agencies”
Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has broadened access to Medicare telehealth services so that beneficiaries can receive a wider range of services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility. These policy changes build on the regulatory flexibilities granted under the President’s emergency declaration.
IDEA: Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak (March 2020)
This Questions and Answers document outlines states’ responsibilities to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities and their families, and to the staff serving these children.
Wrightslaw: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Q&A
Information from the U.S. Department of Education that will answer some of your questions and help get your child’s special education back on track when schools do re-open.
Webinar on Ensuring Web Accessibility for Students with Disabilities
The Office for Civil Rights (U.S. Department of Education) released today a webinar on ensuring web accessibility for students with disabilities for schools utilizing online learning during COVID-19
Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP
A guide on what to do when speech therapy is temporarily unavailable, from an SLP’s perspective
Teletherapy Guidelines
Both SLPs and parents of children with apraxia should be aware of guidelines set around teletherapy and its implications at this time. Please follow the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) for more information. Here are a few resources from their website.
ASHA Revisits Guidance on Medicare Telepractice
We are adding new blogs and content as often as possible to keep you as informed as possible. Here is a list of the new blog posts that have recently been published:
Coping with COVID-19: Tips for Incorporating Self-Care and Dealing with Anxiety
Keep Calm and Chatter On
Speech Therapy Services Through Telepractice
Information for AAC and Home Practice
Adjusting to the Ever-changing Times: Using Telepractice to Treat CAS During COVID-19
Apps Guide
Apraxia Kids has partnered with Penn State Health to share and distribute the Speech and Language Apps guide published by The Department of Behavior and Developmental Pediatrics at The Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. Apraxia Kids does not endorse any specific apps nor is this list all-inclusive. The directory is meant only to be a guide/resource. https://www.apraxia-kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Application-Directory2.pdf
Article Library
Free Article from the Apraxia Kids Article Library: How to help your child with speech practice at home
Eight presentations can be accessed for free by visiting our website and signing up for a “Free Introductory Membership”.
Stay Connected with Apraxia Kids: Facebook Groups
Our main Facebook support group, Apraxia Kids: Official Support Group, has been very active with thoughtful and supportive conversations around what to do next while we’re all figuring out this time of confusion and challenges. It’s important to stay connected to others while following the CDC and other community guidelines around social distancing. Stay connected with others through our Facebook groups! Connecting with other parents in similar situations may help you navigate the world of resources available to parents while your apraxia stars are home from school. Hopefully they help you productively and successfully navigate this time away from therapies and school!
Stay connected with others through our Facebook groups!
Talking to Your Children About Coronavirus – Meet The Helpers
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization
U.S Department of Education
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Nanogirl Live – Coronavirus for Kids
The Nanogirl Live show provides free videos and experiments to help children better understand the coronavirus and how they can stay safe.
Apraxia Kids Blog – “Coping with COVID-19”
This blog shares with you tips on how you can focus on your mental health during these unusual and stressful times. It also reminds you that it’s okay if each day doesn’t go perfectly. Be kind to yourself and do the best with what you have.
Voices of Youth
This website is designed just for young adults aged 13-24. It’s a great place for teens and young adults to gather together, virtually, to see they are not alone in what they are feeling. Voices of Youth also has an art campaign around COVID-19 right now to allow youth to put their feelings into different artistic expressions to share with the world.
Parenting During Coronavirus: You Are Enough
This encouraging article from PBS.org reminds parents that everything is different right now so you should allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling and know that all that you are doing right now…it’s enough!
Supporting Children and Young People with Worries about COVID-19
This resource shares some advice and guidance for parents, caregivers, and professionals who work with children and young people who may be struggling to cope with the current climate.
Mental Health and COVID-19
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a great support and resource. Visit their COVID-19 specific information to learn how it may impact your mental health and what you can do to limit that.
Children’s Guide to Coronavirus by Children’s Commissioner
This guide talks about what the coronavirus is but it also helps children better understand it and how they’re feeling about these confusing times. They help kids figure out “where to put their worry.”
Emerging Minds
The Emerging Minds research group compiled a lengthy list of resources for parents, children, and teens to better understand and manage their mental health surrounding the coronavirus.
Apraxia Kids Blogs
These blogs were written by SLPs to help parents and professionals to better understand the evolving world of telepractice and teletherapy during this time of social distancing.
Keep Calm and Chatter On
Speech Therapy Services Through Telepractice
Information for AAC and Home Practice
Adjusting to the Everchanging Times: Using Telepractice to Treat CAS During COVID-19
COVID-19 Resources: Clinic Activities to Implement at Home
This tremendous resource compiled by University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a variety of resources for individuals with special needs and communication disorders while they’re safe at home. This list can help families, SLPs, and other professionals.
Phonics Hero
Offers a free 30 day account for children right now. This site has lots of programs to help your stars build sounds, single words, and sentences.
Story Place
Offers a digital pre-school library
Fun Brain
Learning games by grade level
LearnEnglish Kids
Free online games, songs, stories, and more to help children learn. Currently has helpful information about COVID-19 and also has a section for parents.
Mommy Speech Therapy
Free speech therapy worksheet downloads
Online Literacy Resources
Online read-alouds, story times, sing-alongs, and illustrating tutorials to do from home
Fluency and Fitness
Free registration for 21 days during school closures
My Coronavirus Story
A social story for children
Speech and Language Kids by The SLP Solution
Ideas, resources, games, and free downloads from a certified SLP
DIY Speech Therapy Activities by Kid’s Creek
Kid’s Creek offers speech, occupational, and physical therapy for children based out of Georgia but also has a helpful blog resource.
Playing with Words 365 Blog
An informative blog for parents by a parent (and an SLP!). Offers free downloads and tips for continuing speech therapy at home.
Making Articulation Fun by Virtual Speech Center
Virtual Speech Center hosts a lot of informative resources, free downloads, and a helpful blog including this post about ways to improve articulation through fun games at home.
Distance Learning for Special Education
This page was built by educators and families from around the world as a collaborative resource for students with disabilities. Included are online resources, tips for families, tips for professionals, and more.
The Hanen Centre
This organization offers a plethora of information and resources for both parents and professionals to help them so they can help their children reach their fullest literacy potential.
Loads of fun and interactive games grouped by grade level.
PBS Learning Media
WQED and PBS have teamed up to curate a FREE batch of resources for standards-aligned videos, interactives, and lesson plans for families and teachers.
A website organized by grade level complete with games, reading, videos, math, and more!
The popular magazine’s online partnership, full of games and activities.
ABC Mouse
An Early Learning Academy online for children ages 2-8.
Every day, Wonderopolis poses an intriguing question, the “Wonder of the Day”, and explore it in a variety of ways. Learn something new every day with Wonderopolis!
BrainPOP is offering free access during school closures right now. There’s an extensive library of learning opportunities in the areas of science, english, math, art, and more! They even have BrainPOP Jr. for grades K-3.
A kid-safe, ad-free streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks. Also offering downloadable resources and lesson plans. 30 day free trial available now with a nominal fee of $4.99/month afterwards.
Dreamscape by Squiggle Park
An engaging reading game for grades 2-8 for free.
Wacky Web Tales
Do you remember Mad Libs? Well this is Mad Libs for kids! It teaches you the parts of speech so you can build your own wacky web tale!
Switch Zoo Animal Games
Have you ever seen a zebra with the head of a giraffe? Me either! At the Switch Zoo you can make any wacky animal you want while learning about animals, playing games, solving puzzles, and more.
Extended School Closings: Everything an IEP Parent Needs to Know about FAPE
By A Day in your Shoes
How to Deal With IEP and Skills Regression for Parents
By A Day in your Shoes
Free Webinar – Questions Answered for Families During Time of Uncertainty
Presented by the PEAL Center (in Pennsylvania)
Audible is offering free stories for kids after coronavirus closes schools
Resources for Parents & Teachers
From Allegheny Intermediate Unit (in Pennsylvania)
Resources for Schools and Families During COVID-19
An extensive list of even more educational sites, resources, and more.
Kids Activities Blog
A listing of free subscriptions being offered due to school closures
National Geographic Kids
Fun and exciting ways to learn new things
Scholastic’s Learn at Home Website
Scholastic has created a free resource that provides your children with 20 days of articles and stories, videos, and fun learning challenges. Children can complete in any time, and in any order.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Their curriculums include math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
PBS Kids
Offers fun and interactive games and videos
Crash Course by PBS
Offers short videos on a variety of topics to get an overview of
Amazing Educational Resources
See a full list of educational resources offering free subscriptions due to school closures, provided by Amazing Educational Resources.
Educational Website & Apps for Kids 3-14
Age appropriate and educational websites
Ranger Rick
Opening up the full website for free through the end of June
25 Virtual Field Trips
Listings of virtual tours and live cameras to take a trip while learning
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!
Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence at Home, Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. New episodes will be posted each weekday at 1:00 p.m. ET and then remain online to be streamed afterwards. Check back each weekday for new LUNCH DOODLES!
Strategies for eLearning Days in the Wake of COVID-19:
With many schools and learning centers closing for a period of time due to coronavirus (COVID-19), educators are utilizing technology to offer learning opportunities to students at home. Join the State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA) on March 17 for their webinar to learn more about implementing “eLearning Days.”
Tobii Dynavox
Free learning hub available during this time
NASA Kids Club
Get the latest updates from NASA
Online Resources
Listing of top YouTube channels, streaming shows, and podcasts for children to continue learning at home
Epic! is the Leading Digital Library for Kids 12 & Under:
Instantly access 35,000 of the best books, learning videos, quizzes & more
Storyline Online
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Storyline Online Program is a free literacy resource where actors read to children. Each video includes an activity guide aligned with Common Core for at home lessons and learning.
Simple: The New York Public Library E-Reader App
SimplyE is The New York Public Library’s free e-reader app that makes it easier than ever to borrow e-books. It is available on the App Store or Google Play.
Help Kidz Learn
Apps and resources for teachers and students to help them to continue their learning at home with minimum disruption.
Spanish children’s stories
Well-known children’s stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Great for kids… and adults too! Read along in Spanish or English.
Apraxia Kids Blogs
These blogs were written by SLPs to help parents and professionals to better understand the evolving world of telepractice and teletherapy during this time of social distancing.
Keep Calm and Chatter On
Speech Therapy Services Through Telepractice
Information for AAC and Home Practice
Adjusting to the Everchanging Times: Using Telepractice to Treat CAS During COVID-19
Facebook Group – Teletherapy Materials for Speech-Language Pathologists
This is a private Facebook group just for SLPs to share materials that are helping them manage their teletherapy practice.
ASHA on Facebook
ASHA is staying on top of the COVID-19 situation and offering regular updates about ways they can support you as well as information about teletherapy. Follow them for updates!
ASHA’s Resources for Telepractice During COVID-19
ASHA is monitoring the situation closely and updating information for SLPs and other professionals on how they can provide their services through telepractice. They have a list of state-by-state tracking of laws and regulations for telepractice and more.
The Hanen Centre
This organization offers a plethora of information and resources for both parents and professionals to help them so they can help their children reach their fullest literacy potential.
COVID-19 Resources: Clinic Activities to Implement at Home
This tremendous resource compiled by University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a variety of resources for individuals with special needs and communication disorders while they’re safe at home. This list can help families, SLPs, and other professionals.
The SLP Solution
How to help your clients during school closings
SLP Telecon Webinars
SLP Telecon is a 2 day LIVE event with 6 speakers from across the country. Due to recent circumstances SLPs may be required to provide services virtually for the first time ever! Over these 2 days, you will learn from some amazing SLPs who will be sharing their best tips and tricks for getting started and best practices in teletherapy!
The Informed SLP
Offering free information on teletherapy.
Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has broadened access to Medicare telehealth services so that beneficiaries can receive a wider range of services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility. These policy changes build on the regulatory flexibilities granted under the President’s emergency declaration.
Optimum (Altice)
Offering free internet for 60 days. Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, eligible households interested in this solution can call: 866-200-9522 to enroll in Optimum region.
Charter Spectrum
-Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and WiFi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395.
-Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
-Charter will partner with school districts to ensure local communities are aware of these tools to help students learn remotely.
-For eligible low-income households without school-aged children, Charter continues to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, which is a low-cost broadband program delivering speeds of 30 Mbps.
Comcast Xifinity
– Comcast is pausing data plans for 60 days giving all customers unlimited data for no additional charge.
– Xfinity WiFi hotspots will also be free.
– Comcast will not disconnect a customer’s Internet or access late fees if they contact the company and let them know that they can’t pay their bills during this period.
– New customers will get 60 days of complimentary Internet Essentials service, which is normally available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95 per month. Additionally, the speed of the program’s Internet service was increased to 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream. There is no additional fee and it becomes the new base speed going forward.
Offering 60 days of free public service
All AT&T consumer home internet wireline customers, as well as Fixed Wireless Internet, can use unlimited internet data. Additionally, AT&T will continue to offer internet access for qualifying limited income households at $10 a month through the Access from AT&T program.
Starting March 15, 2020 through April 14, 2020, Mint Mobile will be providing all current and new customers with FREE unlimited high-speed data add-ons.
Sometimes you just need a break from the news, your new at-home routine, and all of the new stressors you may be experiencing. Here are some listicles that share some ideas on fun things you can do at home and as a family to pass the time!
Go Noodle
This website can certainly be educational for children but it also allows them to learn while getting out bursts of energy! There are lots of videos and games that encourage movement so kids can stay active and engaged at home.
Fun and Function is offering free webinars and resources for families
Google Earth Has Virtual Tours of 31 National Parks in the U.S.
A list of free, online, boredom-busting resources!
5 Minute Move: Kids work outs to do at home
Educational Ways to Have Fun, written by a school principal
30 Fun Things to Do at Home by Lifehack
23 Fun Activities With Things You Have At Home by Seattle Times
Fun Things to Do at Home by Happier Human
20 Best Podcasts for Families by Parent Map
25 Best Podcasts for Kids
Incredible Things You Will Only See in Dubai
Learn about all of the unique and innovative things that Dubai has to offer and explore them from your own home.
Many people are working remotely or not able to work at all during this confusing time. It’s important to stay on top of your finances to the best of your ability if your work situation is uncertain. Here are some loose guidelines on making sure your needs and finances are being supported. Keep in mind, these aren’t the same for everyone – this is just a starting point to get you thinking about your own unique situations.
First and foremost, make sure that your basic needs are being met: food, water, medications, housing, and utilities.
Secondly, take some time to reach out to your service providers (credit card companies, banks, loan providers, landlords, utility providers, etc.) to see what kind of payment options they have during this time. Many of these companies are offering lowered rates, delayed or deferred payments, or other options. Keeping an open line of communication with these companies to make sure you aren’t penalized (if possible) during this time of hardship.
Lastly, if you or your loved ones are taking any medications or using any other lifesaving medical devices and supports, be sure to keep them fully stocked and operational so that you are not abruptly stopping them at any given time during the social distancing orders. If you are at risk of running low, make sure to stock up as soon as possible. If your insurance isn’t ready to cover your next refill yet, give them a call to explain your situation and see if they can expedite your next refill coverage. If you cannot afford your medications at the moment, please know that there are many medication funds available for you so you never go without.
Here are some financial resources that may help you cover the cost of medications, utilities, and more.
Getting help with medications
The Assistance Fund
Needy Meds
RX Assist
RX Hope
Help paying for bills
Aunt Bertha
Dial 2-1-1 from your phone to receive information about local resources
Help When You Need It
Local listings for food pantries, financial assistance, housing support, and more
Learn about government programs you may be eligible for to receive financial support
Hours of Operation:
Treatment locations:
Overall Treatment Approach:
Percent of CAS cases:
Parent Involvement:
Community Involvement:
Professional consultation/collaboration:
Min Age Treated:
Max Age Treated:
Insurance Accepted: