Alert Me Bands

Alert Me bands believe that we need to take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of our children, and do everything we can to be prepared in an emergency situation.  We want to make this effort easier on First Responders, bystanders, classmates or anyone who might find a child who has been separated from their loved ones.  Alert Me Bands only require that it is worn in a visible manner, meaning secure it on top of a long sleeve shirt or coat when your wrist is covered by clothing.  There are no subscriptions or smartphones needed, and no future purchases to make the Alert Me Band effective in an emergency.  Just wear it so it is visible and it will communicate who to call when you can’t.

Program Dates: January 1 through December 31, 2025
Product or Program: Emergency Alert Me Bands
Benefit to Apraxia Kids: 10% of Sales – Must use coupon code “Apraxia Kids” at checkout. Coupon will show as $0, but a donation will be made to Apraxia Kids.

Alert Me bands Cause Marketing Graphic_

BECOME AN APRAXIA KIDS CAUSE PARTNER – Complete the online interest form and an Apraxia Kids staff member will be in touch!

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