A Branch & Cord

Opened in 2020, A Branch & Cord is an online store operated by a team of moms selling colorful macrame kits, accessories, jewelry, rainbow, and décor.  Owner, Vanessa Deets, is a proud parent of an Apraxia Star.

Program Dates: October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025 (12-month commitment)

Product or Program: Apraxia Kids Awareness Rainbow Essential Oil Diffuser

Benefit to Apraxia Kids: 

  • 20% of sales will be donated (Oct-Apr, June-Sept)
  • 25% of sales will be donated during Apraxia Awareness Month (May)
  • Only sales of the Apraxia Kids Awareness Rainbow Diffuser. All other products are exempt.

Shopping Link: Click here!

BECOME AN APRAXIA KIDS CAUSE PARTNER – Complete the online interest form and an Apraxia Kids staff member will be in touch!

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