Apraxia Kids Canada Spring 2019 Newsletter


Apraxia Kids Canada Update

We continue to work closely with Apraxia Kids as we work to expand our support of Canada’s apraxia community.

Recent outcomes of this relationship include new support for Canadian proclamations and the development of a very exciting new Lunch & Learn event for Canadians at the Apraxia Kids National Conference in Pittsburgh this July.

In the coming months, we look forward to continuing to build on our work together and feel deeply fortunate to have the guidance of Apraxia Kids as we turn our focus to developing a plan for growth into the future.


Meet the Team!

Angela Muis, BA, SLP-A

Angela Muis joined the apraxia community in 2011, the day her son Huxley was diagnosed with CAS and she joined in conversation with Apraxia Kids around the development of a national organization in April of 2018.

Angela is Communicative Disorders Assistant.  She also offers her services as a private reading instructor and especially enjoys working to promote literacy for children with apraxia and other speech and language disorders. Angela administrates the Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group, has written articles for OPPEN CAS, participated in Apraxia Kids Volunteer Outreach Coordinator training and has supported Canada’s proclamation program for 2019. She will be speaking at the Apraxia Kids National Conference for her second time in July.

Angela serves as our chair.

Brooke Rea, MClSc, SLP (C)

Brooke Rea is a Speech-Language Pathologist Recognized by Apraxia Kids for Advanced Training and Expertise in Childhood Apraxia of Speech, past coordinator and continued committee member for the Guelph Walk for Apraxia, moderator of our Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group, speaker at Apraxia Kids events in Canada and the US, founder of the Ontario Professional and Parent Exchange Network for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (OPPEN CAS) and owner of a private practice restricted to children with Motor Speech Disorders including CAS. She spends considerable time with both professionals and parents of children with CAS throughout Ontario and in the broader community. She will be speaking at the Apraxia Kids National Conference this summer for the third time.

Brooke serves as the treasurer.

Lisa Kohel, B.Ed., MSLP, R.SLP (C)

Lisa Kohel is a Speech-Language Pathologist who works with children with CAS in both private practice and within a School Division. In her School Division capacity, Lisa coordinates a program for students with suspected childhood apraxia of speech. She works with a small and very dedicated team of therapists who deliver intensive services for these children. Lisa brings an outcome measurement perspective and is interested in following long term outcomes of children with CAS, especially in the context of education. Lisa has attended Apraxia Kids Volunteer Outreach Coordinator training, is a moderator of our Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group, and will be speaking at the 2019 Apraxia Kids National Conference.

Lisa currently serves as the secretary.

Kiran Kaur Bhinder, LL.B

Please join us in welcoming Kiran!

Kiran joined the apraxia community when her son Nihal was diagnosed with CAS in 2013. She has been a truly outstanding advocate for Nihal and for our apraxia community. Kiran was a guiding force behind the 2014 Apraxia Awareness reception on Parliament Hill – our first truly national Apraxia Awareness event!

Kiran is a lawyer with the Department of Justice, Canada, is an active supporter of youth and awareness event in her local Sikh community, and brings experience that will help guide us as we continue to formalize our efforts and our partnership.


May is Apraxia Awareness Month!

It’s Now Time to File Proclamations

Please join in raising a collective Canadian voice by volunteering to apply for a proclamation in your city!

To volunteer, please email canadianambassadors@apraxia-kids.org with your contact information and where you would like to file and we will send you the information.

Apraxia Awareness Month on Social Media

Look for and use the tag #ApraxiaAwareness and check out our Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group for special awareness month posts!


Canadian Apraxia Camps Confirmed for Summer 2019

Speech Star Camp for Kids (Guelph, ON)

Dates: July 15-18 (grades JK-1); July 22-25 (grades 1-3); July 29-Aug 1 (grades JK-1)

Apraxia Summer Camp (Calgary, AB)

Dates: July 8-12; July 15-19; Aug 12-16; Aug 19-23

Camp Chaos (Calgary, AB)

Dates: July 8-12 (ages 5-8); July 15-19 (ages3-4); July 22-26 (ages 5-8); July 29-Aug 2 (ages 3-4); Aug 12-16 (ages 7-10)

Apraxia All Star Summer Camp (Moose Jaw, SK)

Dates: July 8-12 (ages 5 and up); July 15-19 (ages 4 and under)


Canadian Content at the 2019 Apraxia Kids National Conference

Canadian Resources Lunch & Learn:  This Lunch & Learn will connect participants with other Canadians involved in the apraxia community including researchers, speakers, SLPs with Apraxia Kids Recognized Advanced Training, families and the team behind our Canadian organizational efforts to learn about events, programs and resources.

Lisa Kohel, B.Ed. MSLP, R.SLP, SLP(C) – One Approach to School Therapy Challenges

Angela Muis, BA, SLP-A – Welcoming Home Practice into Your Life

Aravind Namasivayam, PhD – PROMPT Research: A Meta-Analysis of Effects, Efficacy and Efficiency

Brooke Rea, MCISc, SLP(C) – Vowels in CAS: From Assessment to Intervention

Find out more on at the Apraxia Kids National Conference website.

Canadian Walk Updates

Canadian Walk Dates for 2019 have been announced with more to be added soon!

Saskatchewan Walk for Apraxia – Saturday, September 14th

Call is open for committee members and volunteers for the Saskatchewan Walk! To volunteer contact Holly Walchuk 306.370.1988 for more information.

Guelph Walk for Apraxia – Saturday, September 28th

Calgary Walk for Apraxia – Saturday, October 5th

Durham Walk for Apraxia – Sunday, September 29th

Volunteers are signing up to launch a walk in Edmonton! To join them, or to start a walk in another community, please fill out the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/planningteam


Apraxia Kids Canada Update

We continue to work closely with Apraxia Kids as we work to expand our support of Canada’s apraxia community.

Recent outcomes of this relationship include new support for Canadian proclamations and the development of a very exciting new Lunch & Learn event for Canadians at the Apraxia Kids National Conference in Pittsburgh this July.

In the coming months, we look forward to continuing to build on our work together and feel deeply fortunate to have the guidance of Apraxia Kids as we turn our focus to developing a plan for growth into the future.


Meet the Team!

Angela Muis, BA, SLP-A

Angela Muis joined the apraxia community in 2011, the day her son Huxley was diagnosed with CAS and she joined in conversation with Apraxia Kids around the development of a national organization in April of 2018.

Angela is Communicative Disorders Assistant.  She also offers her services as a private reading instructor and especially enjoys working to promote literacy for children with apraxia and other speech and language disorders. Angela administrates the Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group, has written articles for OPPEN CAS, participated in Apraxia Kids Volunteer Outreach Coordinator training and has supported Canada’s proclamation program for 2019. She will be speaking at the Apraxia Kids National Conference for her second time in July.

Angela serves as our chair.

Brooke Rea, MClSc, SLP (C)

Brooke Rea is a Speech-Language Pathologist Recognized by Apraxia Kids for Advanced Training and Expertise in Childhood Apraxia of Speech, past coordinator and continued committee member for the Guelph Walk for Apraxia, moderator of our Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group, speaker at Apraxia Kids events in Canada and the US, founder of the Ontario Professional and Parent Exchange Network for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (OPPEN CAS) and owner of a private practice restricted to children with Motor Speech Disorders including CAS. She spends considerable time with both professionals and parents of children with CAS throughout Ontario and in the broader community. She will be speaking at the Apraxia Kids National Conference this summer for the third time.

Brooke serves as the treasurer.

Lisa Kohel, B.Ed., MSLP, R.SLP (C)

Lisa Kohel is a Speech-Language Pathologist who works with children with CAS in both private practice and within a School Division. In her School Division capacity, Lisa coordinates a program for students with suspected childhood apraxia of speech. She works with a small and very dedicated team of therapists who deliver intensive services for these children. Lisa brings an outcome measurement perspective and is interested in following long term outcomes of children with CAS, especially in the context of education. Lisa has attended Apraxia Kids Volunteer Outreach Coordinator training, is a moderator of our Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group, and will be speaking at the 2019 Apraxia Kids National Conference.

Lisa currently serves as the secretary.

Kiran Kaur Bhinder, LL.B

Please join us in welcoming Kiran!

Kiran joined the apraxia community when her son Nihal was diagnosed with CAS in 2013. She has been a truly outstanding advocate for Nihal and for our apraxia community. Kiran was a guiding force behind the 2014 Apraxia Awareness reception on Parliament Hill – our first truly national Apraxia Awareness event!

Kiran is a lawyer with the Department of Justice, Canada, is an active supporter of youth and awareness event in her local Sikh community, and brings experience that will help guide us as we continue to formalize our efforts and our partnership.


May is Apraxia Awareness Month!

It’s Now Time to File Proclamations

Please join in raising a collective Canadian voice by volunteering to apply for a proclamation in your city!

To volunteer, please email canadianambassadors@apraxia-kids.org with your contact information and where you would like to file and we will send you the information.

Apraxia Awareness Month on Social Media

Look for and use the tag #ApraxiaAwareness and check out our Apraxia Kids Canada Facebook group for special awareness month posts!


Canadian Apraxia Camps Confirmed for Summer 2019

Speech Star Camp for Kids (Guelph, ON)

Dates: July 15-18 (grades JK-1); July 22-25 (grades 1-3); July 29-Aug 1 (grades JK-1)

Apraxia Summer Camp (Calgary, AB)

Dates: July 8-12; July 15-19; Aug 12-16; Aug 19-23

Camp Chaos (Calgary, AB)

Dates: July 8-12 (ages 5-8); July 15-19 (ages3-4); July 22-26 (ages 5-8); July 29-Aug 2 (ages 3-4); Aug 12-16 (ages 7-10)

Apraxia All Star Summer Camp (Moose Jaw, SK)

Dates: July 8-12 (ages 5 and up); July 15-19 (ages 4 and under)


Canadian Content at the 2019 Apraxia Kids National Conference

Canadian Resources Lunch & Learn:  This Lunch & Learn will connect participants with other Canadians involved in the apraxia community including researchers, speakers, SLPs with Apraxia Kids Recognized Advanced Training, families and the team behind our Canadian organizational efforts to learn about events, programs and resources.

Lisa Kohel, B.Ed. MSLP, R.SLP, SLP(C) – One Approach to School Therapy Challenges

Angela Muis, BA, SLP-A – Welcoming Home Practice into Your Life

Aravind Namasivayam, PhD – PROMPT Research: A Meta-Analysis of Effects, Efficacy and Efficiency

Brooke Rea, MCISc, SLP(C) – Vowels in CAS: From Assessment to Intervention

Find out more on at the Apraxia Kids National Conference website.

Canadian Walk Updates

Canadian Walk Dates for 2019 have been announced with more to be added soon!

Saskatchewan Walk for Apraxia – Saturday, September 14th

Call is open for committee members and volunteers for the Saskatchewan Walk! To volunteer contact Holly Walchuk 306.370.1988 for more information.

Guelph Walk for Apraxia – Saturday, September 28th

Calgary Walk for Apraxia – Saturday, October 5th

Durham Walk for Apraxia – Sunday, September 29th

Volunteers are signing up to launch a walk in Edmonton! To join them, or to start a walk in another community, please fill out the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/planningteam

Hours of Operation:
Treatment locations:


Overall Treatment Approach:

Percent of CAS cases:

Parent Involvement:

Community Involvement:

Professional consultation/collaboration:

Min Age Treated:

Max Age Treated:

Insurance Accepted:

Register Today!