Children’s Books

Fun stories to read to children to help build awareness, confidence and acceptance of differences.

Children With CAS

Books to read with children that tell a story specifically related to having childhood apraxia of speech.

Grace Has Something To Say

By Amanda Groden

Pam’s Whaa!

by Theresa Fagundes-Diener & Audrey Pannier

Tristan Finds His…Voice

by Jocelyn Stargell Zachery

Michael’s Lost Words

By Cameron Epperson, Jen Theen, and Margaret Mayes

The Boy Who Proved Them Wrong

By Jordan Christian Levan and Lindsay Townsend

Paisley Parrot Tries to Talk

By Victoria Careford-White

My Name is Kate

By Michelle Lachman

Luna’s First Day of School

By Mariesa LeFevere

My Name is Alice!

By Stephanie Melnyk

Whispers of Hope

By Amber Grace

Children With Other Challenges

Books to read with children that tell a story related to having challenges that are not specifically CAS.

Bello the Cello

by Dennis Mathew

Tessa’s Tangled Tongue

by Denise Vaccola

The Mouth With a Mind of Its Own

by Patricia L. Mervine

The Cow That Went OINK

By Bernard Most

Sammy Goes to Speech

by Marissa Siegel

Aiden Goes to Speech

by Lisa Mortensen

Everyone Needs a Turn

by Denise Underkoffler

Noelle Finds Her Voice

By Dr Sabine m barlatt

I Talk Like a River

By Jordan Scott

Speech Therapy for kids

By Stacey Crouch and Kelly Phan

Howay for Wodney the Wat

By Helen Lester

Social-emotional Children’s Books

Books to read with children that target social-emotional well-being within the story.

Little Big Sister Book

by Amy McCoy

The Boy with Big, Big Feelings

by Britney Winn Lee

Pamela May and Robert Will Learn to Farm

by Theresa Fagundes-Diener & Audrey Pannier

What’s My Superpower?

by Aviaq Johnston

I Like Myself!

by Karen Beaumont

I Am So Brave!

by Stephen Krensky


Whoever You Are

by Mem Fox

Jarvis Clutch: Social Spy

By Melvin Levine, Jarvis Clutch, and Ed Shems

The Bravest Worrier

By Angelique Monet

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