Thank you for your interest in joining Apraxia Kids SLP Directory!

Why Join the Directory?

  • Be a resource for your community and to other SLPs
  • Connect with families who are looking for help with their apraxia star
  • Have access to a network of hundreds of SLPs to brainstorm ideas
  • Discount on the Apraxia Kids webinar platform for access to specific training on CAS with CEUs
  • Receive free copies of Apraxia Kids brochures to share with your families
  • Opportunities to provide input for new resources for Apraxia Kids

Requirements for Being on the Directory

  • Must be fully licensed and certified as required for practice within your country or local state/province. For US, must have Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) in speech pathology and have appropriate state licensure.
  • Must document training specific to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of CAS completed in the last 5 years.
  • Must pass an online quiz at 80% or better (Part One below).
  • Must provide appropriate responses to short answer questions relating to your knowledge of best practice for evaluation and treatment of CAS (Part Two below).
  • Must provide specific information that will be posted on the directory for your profile.
  • Every three years, you will be asked to renew your membership on our directory by documenting 6 hours of continuing education credit completed within the field of childhood apraxia of speech. The CEUs can be in assessment, diagnosis or treatment of CAS, comorbid issues found with CAS, or in a closely related field such as literacy, oral motor/feeding/oral apraxia, speech sound disorders, or other pediatric motor planning disorders. You are on the honor system for accurately reporting your learning. Trainings that are eligible for renewal of your license or certification are appropriate. At the time of your renewal (fall of your third year), you will be sent a reminder email and you will need to complete an attached renewal form on trainings you have completed within the last 3 years.  The renewal form will be due January 31 of the following year and will ask for the date, title, presenter, and number of CEUs earned.

How to Apply for the Directory

Please follow the two steps below to begin the process of applying to be in the SLP Directory.  Please note that this is a lengthy process that includes multiple steps and may take up to 60 days to review and process.  If you have any questions, please email at

The online application includes two parts:

Part One

  • An online quiz (15 minute timed, randomly-presented multiple choice questions)
    • The quiz has been advanced tested by highly experienced SLPs and those who have more limited training and background in CAS.
    • PLEASE, read carefully. Thoughtfully consider your responses.
    • You will be notified immediately upon completion whether or not you have passed the quiz (80%).
    • You will have 3 opportunities to take and pass the quiz with a score of 80% or better. After 3 failed attempts, you will be locked out of further attempts for a period of 6 months. If you fail the quiz, we suggest not immediately retaking it so that you can further your education on CAS before retrying in order to avoid being locked out.

Part Two

  • A series of short answer questions relating to evaluation and treatment of CAS.
  • Additional questions regarding basic information about you and your practice.
  • Some of your responses to the short answer questions (demographic/contact information, therapy approach, parental involvement, and community involvement) will be what parents see when they view your profile.

Once we have had the opportunity to review your short answers, we will email you to let you know the recommendation.

Your participation in the directory is not a certification or endorsement. However, parents searching the directory do understand that you have gone through our multi-step vetting process.

To begin the process click the appropriate button below to set up an account or to login to your account:

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