Homeschooling Resources

Regardless of your schooling choices in 2020, this is certainly going to be a school year unlike any other.  Everybody’s needs, abilities, and goals are different so schooling will be very different from state to state, district to district, and even family to family this year! We’ve compiled this guide to help you navigate your schooling options and provide you with some tips, information, and resources.


Apraxia Kids does not endorse any one method, program, organization, service, or approach. Rather, we share information so families & professionals can make informed choices for children with CAS as they work to find their voices.


Find the homeschooling organization in your state for localized guidance on how to start homeschooling, finding the right curriculum, and more.

Statewide Resources


Every state has differing laws and regulations around homeschooling. Make sure you’re following your state’s guidelines through these organizations.

Legal Resources


There are countless options for curriculum for homeschooling families. When you are building your own curriculum, it can be hard to know where to start! Here are some curriculum ideas and resources to help.

Curriculum Resources


Sometimes the best way to learn about homeschooling is to learn from others who have already taken the first steps! Check out these resources to learn from others.

Tips, Blogs & Advice Resources
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