2019 National Conference Sessions for Dad

With Father’s Day just around the corner, we want to shine a light on some unique educational opportunities at this year’s National Conference. Not only do we sessions hosted by fathers of children with apraxia, we also have a lunch and learn for dads only! In addition, there are sessions that will help all family members, including fathers and father figures, navigate the journey of having a child with apraxia of speech. Make sure you register before these sessions fill up!


Lunch and Learn: A Time for Dads

Dads approach the journey with CAS from a perspective that is helpful to share with other dads.  The Dads Lunch and Learn provides an opportunity to talk openly about the struggle times, the good times and all that is in between in raising a child with CAS.  This session is led by a father of a child with CAS and is for dads only.

*Please note: Limited seating is available for Lunch and Learn sessions*


Session 207: A Father’s Journey

Presenters: Matthew Stevens, John Bennett

There are good days.  There are not-so-good days.  There are great days.  The father’s perspective of a family learning about childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is one of emotion, education, and advocacy.  First, sharing a personal story of why this presentation is possible is important to lay the foundation. Next, the spectrum of emotions that are felt from the pre-stages of diagnosis to a robust advocacy awareness program will be outlined. Celebrating what may seem like small moments continue to encourage your child to push through their delays.  Educating families, friends, and those unaware of CAS is vital to ensuring the diagnosis receives the respect and treatment these children deserve. Although it is easy to say that you need to remain strong, we will discuss what that looks like and how to drive forward.  It is ok to not be ok; however, staying in that mind-set is detrimental to future successes.  This is not a presentation centered on insurance or financial commitments, but rather two fathers passionate about bringing CAS to the forefront in hopes of increasing awareness.  And it starts with a simple idea; a car decal.


Session 301: Advocating for Your Child’s IEP and Legal Protection

Presenters: Lou LaVecchia, David Bindrup, Esq., CPA, LL.M

As parents of children who have CAS, we believe advocating for your children is the most important part of helping children in need.  Navigating the IEP process can often be confusing and difficult to understand for parents of children with disabilities.  Parents should not rely solely on their school districts to determine what services will be offered and how they will be provided.  Parents play a crucial role in the process.  We will provide guidance and tips to help you along the way.  We will also provide strategies to work through situations when you may not agree with the school district’s assessment, services offered, or compliance to an existing IEP. Learn how to interview attorneys and what questions are necessary to find the right attorney with the sufficient experience, degrees, and success working with your particular school district to help your children gain an appropriate education.  You will also learn how to properly protect your children so if you become disabled, incapacitated, or pass away, your children’s advocate is properly designated and your estate doesn’t prevent your children from receiving free government assistance.


Session 401: Your Child’s Journey with CAS: SLP and Parent Perspective

Presenters: Breanna Waldrup, MS, CCC-SLP, Megan Tarchichi, MD

Overwhelming. Confusing. Surprising. Inspiring. Frustrating. A roller coaster. Relationship building. Scary. Life changing. These are all words that can be and have been used to describe a child’s journey with CAS. Each child and family’s journey is unique, with different starting points, finish lines, bumps and detours along the way. However, there are commonalities and frequently used paths (as well as ditches). The presenters hope to create a road map by providing perspectives and information from the viewpoint of a speech-language pathologist who has walked beside dozens of children with CAS and their families on their journey, and a parent who is currently accompanying two of her children with CAS on two separate paths. The road map will include information about steps along the way, common “speed bumps”(challenges) at various stages, possible detours, and a review of the diverse therapy approaches used.


Session 501: Siblings of Children with CAS

Presenters: Sarah Freiburger, Dave Hammer, MA, CCC-SLP

One fear that many parents have as they face the challenges of raising a child with CAS, is what the impact will be on their other children. Does all of the extra attention that the child with CAS gets as they are doing intensive speech therapy make their siblings feel left out? How can they get the whole family involved to make everyone a part of the process? How do they make time for everyone’s needs? How do they explain what CAS is to the siblings and is it necessary to do this? Will the siblings resent them for the extra attention and time that they are getting? We will address these questions and more as the sibling of a child with severe CAS shares her experiences, and an SLP shares strategies that families can use to address these concerns.




The Apraxia Kids National Conference is the only major conference on the speech, language, learning, and life needs of children with apraxia. The national conference brings together parents, professionals, educators and others who are seeking the most up-to-date and in-depth learning opportunity available.

With Father’s Day just around the corner, we want to shine a light on some unique educational opportunities at this year’s National Conference. Not only do we sessions hosted by fathers of children with apraxia, we also have a lunch and learn for dads only! In addition, there are sessions that will help all family members, including fathers and father figures, navigate the journey of having a child with apraxia of speech. Make sure you register before these sessions fill up!


Lunch and Learn: A Time for Dads

Dads approach the journey with CAS from a perspective that is helpful to share with other dads.  The Dads Lunch and Learn provides an opportunity to talk openly about the struggle times, the good times and all that is in between in raising a child with CAS.  This session is led by a father of a child with CAS and is for dads only.

*Please note: Limited seating is available for Lunch and Learn sessions*


Session 207: A Father’s Journey

Presenters: Matthew Stevens, John Bennett

There are good days.  There are not-so-good days.  There are great days.  The father’s perspective of a family learning about childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is one of emotion, education, and advocacy.  First, sharing a personal story of why this presentation is possible is important to lay the foundation. Next, the spectrum of emotions that are felt from the pre-stages of diagnosis to a robust advocacy awareness program will be outlined. Celebrating what may seem like small moments continue to encourage your child to push through their delays.  Educating families, friends, and those unaware of CAS is vital to ensuring the diagnosis receives the respect and treatment these children deserve. Although it is easy to say that you need to remain strong, we will discuss what that looks like and how to drive forward.  It is ok to not be ok; however, staying in that mind-set is detrimental to future successes.  This is not a presentation centered on insurance or financial commitments, but rather two fathers passionate about bringing CAS to the forefront in hopes of increasing awareness.  And it starts with a simple idea; a car decal.


Session 301: Advocating for Your Child’s IEP and Legal Protection

Presenters: Lou LaVecchia, David Bindrup, Esq., CPA, LL.M

As parents of children who have CAS, we believe advocating for your children is the most important part of helping children in need.  Navigating the IEP process can often be confusing and difficult to understand for parents of children with disabilities.  Parents should not rely solely on their school districts to determine what services will be offered and how they will be provided.  Parents play a crucial role in the process.  We will provide guidance and tips to help you along the way.  We will also provide strategies to work through situations when you may not agree with the school district’s assessment, services offered, or compliance to an existing IEP. Learn how to interview attorneys and what questions are necessary to find the right attorney with the sufficient experience, degrees, and success working with your particular school district to help your children gain an appropriate education.  You will also learn how to properly protect your children so if you become disabled, incapacitated, or pass away, your children’s advocate is properly designated and your estate doesn’t prevent your children from receiving free government assistance.


Session 401: Your Child’s Journey with CAS: SLP and Parent Perspective

Presenters: Breanna Waldrup, MS, CCC-SLP, Megan Tarchichi, MD

Overwhelming. Confusing. Surprising. Inspiring. Frustrating. A roller coaster. Relationship building. Scary. Life changing. These are all words that can be and have been used to describe a child’s journey with CAS. Each child and family’s journey is unique, with different starting points, finish lines, bumps and detours along the way. However, there are commonalities and frequently used paths (as well as ditches). The presenters hope to create a road map by providing perspectives and information from the viewpoint of a speech-language pathologist who has walked beside dozens of children with CAS and their families on their journey, and a parent who is currently accompanying two of her children with CAS on two separate paths. The road map will include information about steps along the way, common “speed bumps”(challenges) at various stages, possible detours, and a review of the diverse therapy approaches used.


Session 501: Siblings of Children with CAS

Presenters: Sarah Freiburger, Dave Hammer, MA, CCC-SLP

One fear that many parents have as they face the challenges of raising a child with CAS, is what the impact will be on their other children. Does all of the extra attention that the child with CAS gets as they are doing intensive speech therapy make their siblings feel left out? How can they get the whole family involved to make everyone a part of the process? How do they make time for everyone’s needs? How do they explain what CAS is to the siblings and is it necessary to do this? Will the siblings resent them for the extra attention and time that they are getting? We will address these questions and more as the sibling of a child with severe CAS shares her experiences, and an SLP shares strategies that families can use to address these concerns.




The Apraxia Kids National Conference is the only major conference on the speech, language, learning, and life needs of children with apraxia. The national conference brings together parents, professionals, educators and others who are seeking the most up-to-date and in-depth learning opportunity available.

Hours of Operation:
Treatment locations:


Overall Treatment Approach:

Percent of CAS cases:

Parent Involvement:

Community Involvement:

Professional consultation/collaboration:

Min Age Treated:

Max Age Treated:

Insurance Accepted:

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